Page:The Elder Edda and the Younger Edda - tr. Thorpe - 1907.djvu/166

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there is more than half of the king's host—We are to war inured."

26. Then the steersman threw the ship's tents aside, that the princes' people might awake, and the noble chiefs the dawn might see; and the warriors hauled the sails up to the mast in Varinsfiord.

27. There was a dash of oars, and clash of iron, shield against shield resounded: the vikings rowed; roaring went, under the chieftains the royal fleet far from the land.

28. So might be heard, when together came the tempest's sister[1] and the long keels, as when rock and surge on each other break.

29. Higher still bade Helgi the deep sail be hauled. No port gave shelter to the crews; when Œgir's terrific daughter the chieftains' vessels would o'erwhelm.

30. But from above Sigrun intrepid, saved them and their fleet also; from the hand of Ran powerfully was wrested the royal ship at Gnipalund.

31. At eve they halted in Unavagar; the splendid ships might into port have floated, but the crews, from Svarinshaug, in hostile mood, espied the host.

32. Then demanded the god-born Gudmund: "Who is the chieftain that commands the fleet, and that formidable force brings to our land?"

33. Sinfiotli said, slinging up on the yard a red-hued shield with golden rim;—He at the strait kept watch, and able was to answer, and with nobles words exchange—

34. "Tell it at eve, when you feed your pigs, and your

  1. Kolgu Systir. Kolga was one of the daughters of Œgir and Ran; they were the waves.