Page:The Dramas of Aeschylus (Swanwick).djvu/134

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Clytemnestra. Strophe IV.

Bowed beneath sorrow's weight,
Invoke not deadly Fate,
Nor in thine anger Helen thus arraign, 1440
As though through her, through one,
Fell many a Danaan son;—
She-man-destroyer, working cureless bane!

Chorus. Antistrophe I.

Demon, who now dost fall
Ruthless on Atreus' hall
Making the twin Tantalidæ thy prey,
Through women's haughty reign,
Gnawing my heart, thou dost confirm thy sway.
Like bodeful raven hoarse,
She standeth o'er the corse,
And chants exulting her discordant strain. 1450

Clytemnestra. Antistrophe IV.

Ay now thy speech in sooth
Runs even with the truth,
Calling the thrice-dread demon of this race;
For in their veins is nursed,
By him, the quenchless thirst
For blood; ere pales the trace
Of ancient pang, new ichor flows apace.

Chorus. Strophe V.

Mighty the demon, dire his hate,
Whom here thou boastest to preside;