Page:The Diothas, or, A far look ahead (IA diothasorfarlook01macn).pdf/257

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"Perhaps it might be found by seeking," she replied demurely, having by this recovered herself.

"If I am not able to find it, would you perhaps"—

"In my opinion you are abundantly able to help yourself in that matter," said she; and, with this Parthian shot, off she darted down the road, leaving me in doubt whether I had acted prudently in putting that last question.

Hulmar received me with such evident gratification, that, for a moment, I thought of opening the question then and there. But I could not face the possibility of a failure that would probably necessitate my departure without again seeing Reva. It would be early enough in the evening to learn my fate. Meanwhile I could once more, at least, enjoy the privilege of her society. Another important reason for delay occurred to me. I must afford Hulmar another opportunity of discovering my capacity for mental labor, a matter that might prove of decisive importance when the critical moment arrived.

All that morning, accordingly, I worked as I never had worked before. Our method of working was somewhat as follows: with a recording phonograph before me, I translated, aloud, passages from such authors as had a bearing on the subject in hand. Meanwhile Hulmar listened attentively, and, if any thing in my version seemed obscure, signalled me to stop till the matter was cleared up to his satisfaction.

This somewhat exhausting labor was varied by frequent diversions to lighter topics, in discussions upon the manners and customs of the nineteenth century. Had my auditor been intending to write an historical novel, he