Page:The Diothas, or, A far look ahead (IA diothasorfarlook01macn).pdf/255

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"Reva is ambitious," she continued, looking at me archly: "all Diothas are, they say. If she attains to such a distinction through you, she will not be ungrateful."

At this moment Utis made his appearance with the letter. On seeing this, Ialma begged me to wait a moment; as she, too, had something to send.

"These are the last views Olav sent. I forgot to take them over last night. Perhaps you may see her before she leaves, as she does not leave quite so early this morning. I know she will be pleased to have the views to take with her."

These directions she delivered with the most innocent air in the world; imagining, no doubt, that no daughter of Eve had ever been so profound a diplomatist. Happening, however, to catch the slight smile on the face of Utis and Ulmene, who stood by, looking on, she blushed slightly, and waved her hand in dismissal. Utis, too, giving a nod of encouragement, I started off in better spirits than I should have thought possible an hour before.

The rapid motion contributed still further to raise my spirits. Never before had I made such speed; yet Reva had already left the house, so that I met her a few yards from the entrance to the narrow road leading to their house.

She would, perhaps, have contented herself with giving, in passing, the customary gesture of courteous recognition, but that I planted myself full in her path. I was resolved on a few more words, perhaps the last. For, should her father take the view of matters that Utis evidently feared, nothing, I felt sure, would induce her to act contrary to