Page:The Diothas, or, A far look ahead (IA diothasorfarlook01macn).pdf/104

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There the voice of Ialma greeted my ears, reminding me of my promise to assist her and Reva in that game of chess. To tell the truth, the matter had not once recurred to my mind. But such a summons must be obeyed.

"I quite forgot about the game when I last saw you," said Ialma apologetically, when I entered the parlor. "I have been anxious to see you ever since, but have only now been informed by Utis that you are at liberty. If you can give us any help, it must be to-day; since the reply to Olav's last move must be sent by six o'clock, and it is now three.

"Utis," she continued, as we seated ourselves at the chess-table, "was, at one time, a champion player, hut gave it up as too engrossing. Reva coaxed him to look. over our game, but he gives us very little encouragement."

She produced the record, and played over the moves, while I looked on in silence.

"That is hazardous before a first-class opponent," I remarked at last, in reference to a certain move.

"It was Reva's suggestion," said Ialma, "and struck me as a brilliant attack."

"Brilliant it is," said I, "but not sound. Yet an ordinary player would almost certainly be disconcerted by it. This is the plan," continued I, while I played a few moves in advance.

"Exactly as Reva played it over to me!" exclaimed Ialma, in some surprise.

"But this is the retort to which you lay yourself open," I said, after replacing the pieces as before, and playing another series of moves.

"Wonderful!" she exclaimed. "Except the last, these are the very moves that have been played."