Page:The Corsair (Byron).djvu/35

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"How strange that heart, to me so tender still,
"Should war with nature and its better will!"

"Yea, strange indeed—that heart hath long been changed,
"Worm-like 'twas trampled—adder-like avenged,
"Without one hope on earth beyond thy love,
"And scarce a glimpse of mercy from above.
"Yet the same feeling which thou dost condemn,400
"My very love to thee is hate to them,
"So closely mingling here, that disentwin'd,
"I cease to love thee when I love mankind:
"Yet dread not this—the proof of all the past
"Assures the future that my love will last;
"But—Oh, Medora! nerve thy gentler heart,
"This hour again—but not for long—we part."

"This hour we part!—my heart foreboded this.
"Thus ever fade my fairy dreams of bliss—
"This hour—it cannot be—this hour away!410
"Yon bark hath hardly anchored in the bay.
"Her consort still is absent—and her crew

"Have need of rest before they toil anew;