Page:The Century Cook Book.djvu/111

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Chartreuse is a liqueur made by the monks of the French monastery of Grande Chartreuse; but a class of dishes have also been given this name, which are made of two or more foods, one of which conceals the others. The story goes that on fast days the monks were thus able to indulge in forbidden food, and savory viands were hidden under cabbage or other severely plain articles. Chartreuses are made by lining a mold with rice, a vegetable, or a force-meat, and filling the center with a different food. Two vegetables are sometimes so combined, but more often game or meats are inclosed in rice and served with a good sauce.

En Bellevue.

Fruits are made into chartreuses by inclosing them in blanc-mange or puddings. When meats are molded in aspic jelly they are called "En Bellevue" as in this case they are not concealed.