Page:The Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons - 1854.djvu/314

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their arms. The Baron appeared on the ramparts, Alleyn advanced to hear him. "The moment of attack," cried the Baron, "is the moment of death to your Chief. If you wish to preserve his life, desist from the assault, and depart in peace; and bear this message to the Countess, your mistress:—the Baron Malcolm will accept no other ransom for the life and liberty of the Earl, than her beauteous daughter whom he now sues to become his wife. If she accedes to these terms, the Earl is instantly liberated,—if she refuses,—he dies." The emotions of the Earl, and of Alleyn, on hearing these words, were inexpressible. The Earl spurned with haughty virtue, the base concession. "Give me death," cried he with loud impatience; the house of Athlin shall not be dishonoured by alliance with a murderer, renew the attack my brave people; since you cannot save the life, revenge the death of your Chief; he dies contented, since his death preserves his family from dishonour." The guards instantly surrounded the Earl.

Alleyn, whose heart, torn by contending emotions was yet true to the impulse of honour, on observing this, instantly threw down his arms, refusing to obey the command of the Earl; a hostage for whose life he demanded, while he hastened to the castle of Athlin with the conditions of the Baron. The clan following the example of Alleyn, rested on their arms while a few prepared to depart with him on the enbassy. In vain were the remonstrances and the commands of the Earl, his people loved him too well to obey them, and his heart was filled with anguish when he saw Alleyn depart from the wall.

The situation of Alleyn was highly pitiable; all the firm virtues of his soul were called upon to support it. He was commissioned on an embassy, the alternate conditions of which, would bring destruction on the woman he adored, or death to the friend whom he loved.

When the arrival of Alleyn was announced to the