Page:The Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons - 1854.djvu/290

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The small remains of the clan, unsubdued by misfortune, were eager to assemble; and hazardous as was the enterprize, to attempt the rescue of their Chief. The hope which this undertaking afforded, once more revived the Countess; but alas! a new source of sorrow was now opened for her: the health of Mary visibly declined; she was silent and pensive; her tender frame was but too susceptible of the sufferings of her mind; and these sufferings were heightened by concealment. She was ordered amusement and gentle exercise, as the best restoratives of peace and health. One day, as she was seeking on horseback these lost treasures, she was tempted by the fineness of the evening to prolong her ride beyond its usual limits; the sun was declining when she entered a wood, whose awful glooms so well accorded with the pensive tone of her mind. The soft serenity of evening, and the still solemnity of the scene, conspired to lull her mind into a pleasing forgetfulness its troubles; from which she was, ere long, awakened, by the approaching sound of horses' feet. The thickness of the foliage limited her view; but looking onward, she thought she perceived through the trees, a glittering of arms; she turned her palfrey, and sought the entrance of the wood. The clattering of hoofs advanced in the breeze; her heart misgave her, and she quickened her pace. Her fears were soon justified; she looked back, and beheld three horsemen, armed and disguised, advancing with the speed of pursuit. Almost fainting, she flew on the wings of terror; all her efforts were vain; the villains came up; one seized her horse, the others fell upon her two attendants, a stout scuffle ensued, but the strength of her servants soon yielded to the weapons of their adversaries; they were brought to the ground, dragged into the wood, and there left bound to the trees. In the mean time, Mary who had fainted in the arms of the villain who seized her, was borne away through the Intricate mazes of the woods; and her terrors may