Page:The Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons - 1854.djvu/29

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wishes, and by the inhabitants of that cottage we were conducted to this castle."

She then proceeded to relate the conversation she had heard, relative to its being haunted, with her terror of the preceding night, and determination to explore every apartment in the castle.

"I hope, madam, (added Matilda) the relation I have given, though tedious and little interesting to you, will apologize for my abrupt intrusion here." "Dearest madam, (answered the Lady of the Castle) can you think it possible I should be uninterested for a situation like your's? Young, new to the world, with uncommon attractions, without friends or protectors, surely misfortunes have taken an early hold in your destiny; but do not despair, my good young lady, Providence never forsakes the virtuous, but in its own good time will relieve us from every difficulty; an assurance of that truth has supported me under the bitterest calamities, and though I am at present dead to the world, I flatter myself I may be of some service to you, but do not think of quitting this castle yet; happy should I think myself if I could enjoy your society always, but 'tis a selfish wish and shall not be indulged, however our confidence ought to be reciprocal, and you shall know, in part, the peculiar distresses which have driven me to this asylum, though my confidence must be limited from restrictions I dare not break through." "I fear, madam, (answered Matilda) however eager my curiosity and anxiety may be awakened by your uncommon situation, I must for the present postpone the gratification of it; my long absence will, I am sure, cause much trouble to my hospitable entertainers, and therefore 'tis time I should return." "Well then, (said the lady) when may I hope to see you again?" "After dinner, madam, I will attend you." "I shall think every minute an hour till then," (replied the lady.) They parted with mutual regret. Matilda carefully shut the doors, and returned to Bertha's apartments, with a lighter heart and a dawn of hope.