Page:The Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons - 1854.djvu/267

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accept such a resignation." "My dear mother!" exclaimed Matilda. "Patience, my love; those generous friends, I presume to flatter myself, decided against their own inclinations. In one word, they approved that I should renounce Naples; that your country, (turning to the Count) should be my country, and that the satisfaction of entertaining the friends of my youth, who offer to pay me a triennial visit, should be the only favour I ought to ask, or you consistently can grant. Yes, my dear children, (added she) I will accompany you to France, and end my days under your roof."

Never was delight equal to what the Count felt at this unexpected turn in his favour; for it could not be supposed he could renounce his country and friends without a pang; on the contrary, only his superior love for Matilda, and respect for the feelings of her mother, could have induced him to offer so great a sacrifice. He thanked her in transports of joy. He embraced the Count and Countess. "Complete your goodness, (cried he) and add to my obligations, by making this your first visit—go with us to France, and let there be no drawback on my happiness.

The Countess and Matilda, urging the same request, they consented to spend three months with them.

"Now, young folks, (said the Countess, smiling) you may take a walk and congratulate each other, conscious that you deserve the happiness that awaits you, from nobleness of mind, and a generous self-denial, which preferred the satisfaction of others to your own gratification.

The Count availed himself of this permission, and led Matilda to the garden, whilst the delighted mother sent for the rest of the family and repeated the preceding scene.

Pleasure shone on every face—all were equally happy; and even Frederic, with a repressed sigh, said, "They were deserving of each other."

Within a week from that day, the Countess of