Page:The Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons - 1854.djvu/224

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as we expected, she was sent for and told a plausible tale; was relieved, and engaged as a nurse for the Countess's child. She was brought to bed three weeks before that lady, of a girl. The Countess was delivered of Matilda. Agatha, for it was she Matilda, whom you well remember, attended her and received the child. As soon as the Countess could be moved with safety, we all went to the house in the country. It was close to the sea, and at the back a beautiful wood, where my brother frequently amused himself by having little vistas cut. It was in this place I designed to execute the horrid plan I had long concerted. I had privately procured a disguise, which lay concealed at one part of the wood. I knew he generally walked in the evening, and proceeded accordingly. Taking a horse one morning, I pretended to go into the city: I did so, and returned about the hour I supposed my brother in the wood: I fastened my horse at the entrance of it, changed my dress, put a mask on my face, and crept on towards the lower part; I distinguished him through trees—let me hasten from the remembrance!—suddenly came upon him, and by repeated stabs, laid him dead at my feet." Matilda uttered a cry of horror. "I do not wonder at your emotion, (said he) since at this moment I tremble at my own crimes! I rifled his pockets of every thing valuable, to make it be believed he had been dispatched by robbers. I returned and dug a hole, at a distant part, where my horse was, hid the clothes mounted the beast, returned to the public road, and came on horseback to the door; previous to which I had thrown his watch and money into the sea. I had executed a few little commissions for my sister in the city, and appeared before her in good spirits, with the trifles she had sent for. We waited for my brother's return at the usual time to supper; the hour elapsed—she grew alarmed. I made light of her fears for some time; at length I joined in her apprehensions, and calling the two men