Page:The Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons - 1854.djvu/215

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went down to take leave of the community. Every one was affected, for she was generally beloved; but when she kissed the hand of her good mother, both burst into a flood of tears. "Farewell, my dear, my amiable friend, (said she) farewell, my good mother: if my wishes are gratified, and I have ever any power over my own actions, I will return to reside with you for ever." "To the protection of heaven I leave you, (said mother Magdalene:) persevere in virtue and goodness, trust in God, and doubt not of being the object of his care; for he is a father to the fatherless, and will never forsake the virtuous."

With streaming eyes Matilda followed her conductor. The porteress opened the gates; there stood Mr. Weimar and his friend. He seemed at first to shrink from her view; but recovering himself, advanced and took her hand. "Well, ungrateful runaway, (said he) you are once more in the custody of your true and natural protector." She made no answer, nor any resistance; she was placed in the carriage between them. Mr. Weimar was hurt at her silence, "You are sullen, you are ungrateful, Matilda." "No, Sir, I am neither: I am grateful for past benefits, and if I do not speak, 'tis because my sincerity or sentiments cannot be pleasing." "You are mistaken, (said he;) I wish you to speak with sincerity; to tell me why you forsook the friend of your youth,———the man who offered to make you his by every holy tie, to fly with an acquaintance of a day, and who, after all his professions, at last placed you in a convent?" "It was my own voluntary choice, Sir, and very distressing to any friends, that I persisted in choosing a retirement from the world. To the first part of your question 'tis not necessary for me to answer: you know my motives for quitting your house, and for the subsequent offer of your hand, if you really were sincere, I must confess I think circumstances more than inclination prompted you to it. How you mean to dispose of me or by what