Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book.djvu/781

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HE woman who appre- ciates beautiful old china takes pride and pleasure in washing her treasured bowls and jugs and plates. Just as she values the china too highly to entrust its care to servants, so is she particular to use for its cleansing nothing but injurious ingredient. does Ivory contain unsaponi- fied oil; its thick, cleans- ing suds rinse off easily and thoroughly, leaving no filmy streaks to cloud the polished surface. Neither Ivory makes dishes clean in the strictest sense. soft, white and smooth-an Ivory quality that is important to every woman who does her own housework and is careful of her appearance. mild pure, It leaves hands Ivory Soap. Ivory Soap cannot injure either painted or gold decorations on china, because Ivory contains no free alkali nor any other IVORY SOAP 99% PURE YORK & GAMBIE T FLOATS EST JAY-S PROD TER E