Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book.djvu/734

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Mushrooms, 282. a l’Algonquin, 306. 4 la Sabine, 305. Allamande, 306. Baked, in Cream, 305. Broiled, 305. Sautéd, 305. Stewed, 304. Stewed, in Cream, 304. . Stuffed, 306. Under Glass I, 306. Under Glass II, 307. Mussels, 155. Mustard, 13. how to Mix, 597. - Mutton, 215. Broth, Scotch, 221. Chops, 215. Chops, 4 la Signora, 216. Chops, Breaded, 216. Chops, Pan-broiled, 215. Curry, 220. Cutlets, 4 la Maintenon, 217. English, Southdown, 214. Flavor of, 214. Leg, Boiled, 217. Leg, Braised, 218 Minced, 564. Myosin, 191. Saddle of, to Carve, 219. Saddle of, with Currant Jelly Sauce, 219. Saddle of, with Mint Sauce, 219. Warming over, Ways of, 223. with Currant Jelly Sauce, 564. NAPOLEONS, 477. Neapolitan Baskets, 416. or Harlequin Ice Cream, 448. Nesselrode Pudding, 453. Neufch&tel Salad I, 337. Salad IT, 337. Neuremburghs, 492. New England Brown Bread, 58. New York Ginger Bread, 520. Newport Pound Cake, 520. Newton Tapioca, 391. Nile Salad, 345. _ Noisette Bomb, 452. Sandwiches, 552. Noodle Shells, 198. Noodles, 147. Normandy Sauce, 171. Norwegian Prune Pudding, 416. Nougat Ice Cream, 453. Nougatine Drops, 541. Nut and Celery Salad I, 338. and Celery Salad II, 338. and Cheese Sandwiches, 551. Bar, 540. INDEX Nut Bars, 405. Cake, Spice, 514. Cake, White, 517. Cakes, 515. Chocolate Caramels, 540. Cookies, 490. Macaroons, 495. or Fruit Filling, 525. Prune Soufflé, 416. Salad, 338. Nutmeg, 14. Nuts, Glacé, 547. OATMEAL CooKIEs, 487. Muffins, 73. Muffins (Raised), 66. Oil, Animal, 8. Cod Liver, 8, 152. Dressing I, 325. Dressing IT, 326. in Kgg Yolk, 8. Oils, Essential, where Found, 8. Fixed, where Found, 8. Vegetable, where Found, 8. Okra, 280, 281. Oleomargarine, 8. Olive and Almond Sauce, 272. Sauce, 268. Omelet, Almond, with Caramel Sauce, 108. Bread, 106. Cheese, 558. French, 107. Jelly, 106. Orange, 106. Oyster, 106. Plain, 105. Rich, 108. Robespierre, 108. Soufflé, 379. Spanish, 107. to Fold and Turn, 106. with Crofitons, 107. with Meat or Vegetables, 106. Omelets, 105. One Egg Cake, 505. Onions, 295. Boiled, 295. French Fried, 296. Fried, 296. Glazed, 296. in Cream, 295. Juice, to Extract, 596. Pickled, 592. Scalloped, 295. Stuffed, 296. Opera Caramel Frosting, 530. Orangeade, 42. renee and Rhubarb Marmalade, ol4.