Page:The Benson Murder Case (1926).pdf/87

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of saying more. Then: "The fact is, I don't need a great deal more evidence than I've got already to go before the Grand Jury and ask for an indictment."

A look of surprised admiration flashed in the Major's sombre face.

"Thank God for that, Markham!" he said. Then, setting his heavy jaw, he placed his hand on the District Attorney's shoulder. "Go the limit—for my sake!" he urged. "If you want me for anything, I'll be here at the Club till late."

With this he turned and walked from the room.

"It seems a bit cold-blooded to bother the Major with questions so soon after his brother's death," commented Markham. "Still, the world has got to go on."

Vance stifled a yawn.

"Why—in Heaven's name?" he murmured listlessly.