Page:The Bengali Book of English Verse.djvu/57

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'The foe, the foe, I hear the drum,
The trumpet's echoing peal,
I see the waving of their flags,
The flashing of their steel.
A thousand dark plumes cloud the air,
A thousand flambeaux burn;
They speed, like eagles from their home,
Among the mountain fern.

'The earth shakes 'neath their chargers' tramp,
Mount, mount my liege in haste,
Ere like the wild and fierce Simoom
They sweep across the waste.
Where Tatta's mountains lift to heaven
Their diadems of snow,
Once more to rear thy banner high
Great king! we now must go.'

The borrowed steed, with lightning speed,
Forth darts into the wind,
The camel fleet brave Koka leads,
And follows close behind;
And many a hairbreadth 'scape they made
And trying toil o'ercame,
Till Tatta's lordly mountain peaks
Burst forth in garbs of flame.

And when, again, by heaven's decree
He won his father's throne,
He bade the heralds to proclaim
The deeds by Koka done;
Jewels and gold—his royal robe,
And lordly 'states he gave
To him who perilled his own life
His monarch's life to save.