Page:The Bengali Book of English Verse.djvu/118

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The Legend of Balaki.

Balaki, a learned Brahman,
Proud of knowledge, proud of lore,
Versed he was in many a sastra,
Travelled many a distant shore,
In the land of Usinara,
And in Matsya he had been,
Panchala and the Kuru kingdoms,
Videha and the Kasi seen.

Ajatasatru, learned monarch,
Ruled in Kasi's mighty land,
Unto him repaired the Brahman,
In his palace rich and grand.
Blessed be thy rule, O monarch!
O'er this kingdom rich and broad,
I will speak to thee of Brahman,
I will speak to thee of God!"

Welcome, welcome, learned priest!"
Ajatasatru thus replied,—
For thy holy speech accept
A thousand kine of finest breed!
Every learned Brahman hies
To Janaka, holy king,—
Welcome thou to Kasi's court,
And a Brahman's blessings bring!"