Page:The Bengali Book of English Verse.djvu/106

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I sought for peace within my mind:
A man content I roved the green,
In folly's path was never seen.

The sick, the grieved, I tend them still
Beside their beds of straw;
A welcome guest where'er I come,
I always seek the poor man's home:
My word they say is law;
Then be fulfill'd a monarch's will,
Avaunt, fly Fear, let Discord cease,
And come and bless us meek-eyed Peace.

I ask'd not to be raised to state,
I never sought a throne;
With greater pleasure I could dwell,
My friends and I within a cell,
Than thus reign all alone—
The greatest man among the great!
No, rather would I choose to be
The poorest of the company.

O Thou! who from the lowliest life
Hast raised me 'bove my peers,
When all the world lies hush'd in sleep,
Before Thy throne my soul doth creep,
In penitence and tears:
Since to this state, with peril rife,
Lord! Thou hast dragg'd me in Thy wrath,
In pity light my rugged path.