Page:The Atlantic Monthly Volume 3.djvu/7

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CONTENTS. Agrarianism, 393 Bulls and Bears, 70, 189, 303, 403, 585, 710. Bundle of Old Letters, A, 550. Calculus, The Differential and Integral, 704. Charge with Prince Rupert, A, 725. Charles Lamb and Sydney Smith, 290. Coffee and Tea, 35. Did I ? 213. El Llanero, 174. Gymnasium, The, 529. Holbein and the Dance of Death, 265. Illustrious Obscure, The, 63. In a Cellar, 151. In the Pines, 560. Juanita, 16. Letter to a Dyspeptic, A, 465. Lizzy Griswold's Thanksgiving, 282. Men of the Sea, 44. Mien-yaun, 671. Minister's Wooing, The, 97, 219, 375, 504, 620, 749. New Life of Dante, The, 62, 202, 330. Odds and Ends from the Old World, 423. Olympus and Asgard, 1. Ought Women to Learn the Alphabet? 137. Palfrey's and Arnold's Histories, 441. Plea for the Fijians, A, 342. Professor at the Breakfast-Table, The, 85, 232, 850, 492, 609, 760. Roba di Roma, 454. Shakspeare's Art, 657. Smollett, Some Inedited Memorials of, 693. , Stereoscope and Stereograph, The, 738. Trip to Cuba, A, 601, 686. Two Sniffs, 429. Utah Expedition, The, 361, 474, 570. White's Shakspeare, 111, 241. Why did the Governess Faint ?V 543. Whiter Birds, The, 319. POETRY. Achmed and his Mare, 289. At Sea, 69. Bloodroot, 703. Chicadee, 52. Double-Headed Snake of Newbury, The, 339. Drifting, 452. Hamlet at the Boston, 172. Inscription for an Alms-Chest, 600. Joy-Month, 685. Last Bird, The, 569. Left Behind, 33. Morning Street, The, 150. Our Skater Belle, 491. Palm and the Pine, The, 230. Philter, The, 212. Prayer for Life, 419. Sphinx, The, 724. Spring, 737. Two Years After, 548. Walker of the Snow, The, 631. Waterfall, The, 318. REVIEWS AND LITERARY NOTICES. Allibone's Dictionary of Authors, 775. Arabian Days' Entertainments, 133. Avenger, The, 773. Bacon, The Works of, 614.