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Recent American Publications.

Recent American Publications. at times to detect the natural logic

which regulates

her transitions from gay to grave, from individual perceptions to general laws; but the geniality and hearti ness which flood the whole book with life and meaning soon reconcile him to the peculiar processes of the intellect whose startling originality and freshness give him so much pleasure. It would be unjust not to say that be neath all the fimtastic play of her wit and humor there is constantly discernible an


Summer of 1861. Illustrated with a Portrait and Map. By Augustus Woodbury, Chaplain of the Regiment. Providence. 8. S. Rider. 121110. pp. 260. $1.00. The Orpheus C. Kerr Papers. New York.

&Mason. 12mp. pp. 382. $1.00. An English Grammar. By G. P. Quacken Course of bos, A. M., Author of “Advanced Composition and Rhetoric," “A Natural Phi losophy," etc. New York. D. Appleton & Blakeman



pp. 288.

Like and Unlike.


63 cts. Novel.

By A. S. Roe, ‘ve been Thinking," etc. New York. G. W. Carleton. 12mo. pp. 501. $1.25. Les Miserables. Saint Denis. A Novel. By Victor Hugo. Translated from the Origi Author of


nal French, by Charles E. VVilbour. New York. G. W. Carleton. 8vo. paper. pp. 18-1. 50 cts. Les Miserables. Jean Valjean. A Novel. Translated from the Origi By Victor Hugo. nal French, by Charles E. Wilbour. New York. 8vo. pp. 165. $1.00. G. W. Carleton. The Life and Letters of Vashington Irving. By his Nephew, Pierre M. Irving. Vol. II. New York. G. P. Putnam. 12mo. pp. 492. $1.60. The Lady‘s Almanac, for the Year 1863. Bos ton. Georga Coolidge. 18mo. pp. 128. ‘26etc.





The Parish Will Case, in the Court of Ap penls. The Statement of Facts, and the Opin ion of the Court. New York. D. Appleton Co. 4to. pp. 123, 43. 50 cts. The Tax-Payer‘s Manual: containing the

Acts of Congress imposing Direct and Indirect Taxes; with Complete Marginal References, and an Analytical' Index, showing all the Items of Taxation, the Mode of Proceeding, and the Duties of Officers. Vith an Explana Co. tory Preface. New York. D. Appleton Bvo. paper. pp. iv., 94, 36. 50 cts. Martin Van Buren: Lawyer, Statesman, and Man. By William Allen Butler. New York. D. Appleton Co. 18mo. pp. 47. 25 cts. Salome, the Daughter of Herodias. A Dra


Thomas Bailey Aldrich. New York. G. W. Carleton. 12mo. pp. 226. $1.00. A Narrative of the Campaign of the First' Rhode Island Regiment, in the Spring and


New York. G. P. Putnam. matic Poem. 16mo. pp. 251. 75 cts. A $9 The Stars and Stripes in Rebeldom. ries of Papers written by Federal Prisoners (Privates) in Richmond, Tuscaloosa, New Or leans, and Salisbury, N. C. “'ith an Appen dix.

T. O. H. P. Burnham.



pp. 137. 50 cts. or, The Soldier‘s The Twin Lieutenants; Bride. By Alexander Dumas. Complete and. T. B. Philadelphia. Edition. Unabridged Bvo. paper.- pp. 152. Brothers. Peterson 50 cts.

Tale of Real Life. Marrying for Money. By Mrs. Mackenzie Daniels. Philadelphia. 8vo. pp. 243. Brothers. T. B. Peterson


Union Speeches. Second Series. Deliver ed in England during the Present American War. By George Francis Train. Philadel T. B. Peterson & Brothers. 8vo. pa phia. per. pp. 90. 25 cts. Out of his Head. A Romance. Edited by

and sagacity





everywhere visible. The shrewdest judg ments on ordinary life and character are as abundant as the quaint fancies with which they are often connected. But in addition to all that charms and informs, the thoughtful reader will find much that elevates and invigorates. A noble soul, of everything mean and contemptuous base, loving everything grand and mag nanimous, is the real life and inspiration of the book.







50 cts. The Slave Power; its Character, Career, and. Probable Designs: being an Attempt to explain the Real Issues involved in the American Con test.




E. Cairnes, M. A.

G. W. Carleton. a


pp. 171.

New York. $1.00.