Page:The Art of Helping People Out of Trouble (1924).pdf/222

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and in the world about him, dynamics which are continually being used by people to raise the level of their energies and to cause them to flow surely and steadily through the channels into which they have been directed.

What is more familiar than such testimony as that of Mrs. Hearne who had been obliged to make the adjustment to widowhood under circumstances of peculiar difficulty.

"I could not have gone through with it," she said, "if it had not been for my faith."

Commonplace, also, are experiences like that of Herbert Worth, who, without family or kin to help him with affection and sympathy, found in his religion the courage to face the slow advance of cancer, or that of Wilson Kirk, who having given himself over to dissipation was converted at a gospel mission and completely reorganized his life, devoting the remainder of it to his church and to his family.

Here was a force that not only provided an initial impulse but also continued for many years to be a source of renewal and strength. In each of these persons it manifested itself differently but in all it was an inspiring and sustaining power.

Centuries of human experience have given