Page:The Art of Distillation, 1651.djvu/8

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The Epiſtle Dedicatory.

on till ſhadows vaniſh, ſubſtances flouriſh and truth prevail: which time I hope is at hand & deſired by all true artiſts, & to my knowledge, eſpecially by your ſelf, upon which account I truly honour you. Now to your ſelf therefore I crave leave to adumbrate ſomething of that art which I know you will be willing for the publick good to promote. I dedicate this treatiſe to you, not that it is worthy of your acceptance, but that it may receive worth by your accepting of it. I preſent it to you (as men bring lead to Philoſophers to be tinged into gold) to receive the ſtamp of your favour, and approbation, that it may paſſe currant, with acceptance amongſt the ſonnes of Art whereby you will continue to oblige him who is

London, Novemb. 25.

Your moſt obliged Servant,