Page:The Analyst; or, a Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician.djvu/13

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XL. Fluxions conſidered, ſometimes in one Senſe, ſometimes in another: One while in themſelves, another in their Exponents: Hence Confuſion and Obſcurity.

XLI. Iſochronal Increments, whether finite or naſcent, proportional to their reſpective Velocities.

XLII. Time ſuppoſed to be divided into Moments: Increments generated in thoſe Moments: And Velocities proportional to thoſe Increments.

XLIII. Fluxions, ſecond, third, fourth, &c. what they are; how obtained, and how repreſented. What Idea of Velocity in a Moment of Time and Point of Space.

XLIV. Fluxions of all Orders inconceivable.

XLV. Signs or Exponents confounded with the Fluxions.

XLV. Series of Expreſſions or of Notes eaſily contrived. Whether a Series, of mere Velocities, or of mere naſcent Increments, cerreſponding thereunto, be as eaſily conceived?
47. Celerities.