Page:The American Indian.djvu/479

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Abipones, 132, 233, 236
Aboriginal life, complexity of, 127
Abrading, pebbles showing process, 116
Acacia niopo berry, snuff powder, 30
Accent, stress, little used in American phonetics, 287
Acorn, area, 16; bread, 16, 212; industry, northern extension of, 338; meal, cooked in baskets, California, 351; preparation of, for food, 16
Adhesions, associations between social trait-complexes, 351352
Adultery, punishment of, 175
Adze, distribution of, 119
Africa, age-societies of, 359; tales from, in New World mythology, 196
Age, system of societies in America, 359
Age, grades, 162163; grades, Plains Indian societies, 348350; grading systems, origin of, 359360; societies, men's, 162163; Plains, 359
Aged, treatment of, 177
Agricultural, areas, 1723; products, Amazon Basin, 22; products, Chibcha peoples, 21; products, Ecuador, 21, 22; products, Inca, 22; products, Pueblo peoples, 19, 21; rituals, 182
Agriculture, Amazon Basin, 22; Amazon tribes, 237; area of intensive, outlined, 8; area of intensive, 19; Chibcha area, 230; control of, by Inca and Nahua, 174; cultural differences in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, 21; diffusion of, 28; distribution in America, 28; Eastern Woodland Area, 221, 222; extensive, Maya, 227; guanaco area, 233235; high organization of in Nahua and Maya areas, 21; Inca area, 232; intensive, Aztec, 228; lack of in the Plains, 206; limits of distribution in North America, 1718; main dependence on in Southwest area, 224; nomadic tribes of the Southwest, 226; in the Old and New Worlds, 357358; Southeastern area, 223; still maintained by Amazon tribes, 23; woman's work in eastern maize area, 19.
Alaska-Siberian type of pottery, 70
Aleutian Islands, 52, 58; archæology of, 260
Algonkin, 48, 52, 63, 71, 79, 108, 109, 157, 169, 172, 196, 217, 220, 241, 274, 306, 331, 335; possible historical relation to Eskimo, 122. See also Algonquian
Algonquian, languages, 294; linguistic area, 254; stock, 294, 295, 296, 353; stock in California, 292; stock, consolidated with California stocks, 369; stock, linguistic and tribal groups, 369370; stocks, linguistic, recently combined with, 285
Alpaca, herded for wool, 39
Altars, sand painted, Pueblo area, 225
Amazon area, culture characterization of, 236242
Amherst students, bodily proportions, 311
Ancestors, family, carving influenced by beliefs concerning, 88
Angakok, 188
Animal, lodges, Caddoan, 189; tales, prevalence of in mythology, 192; transport, distribution of, 33
Animals, clan and gens names derived from, 163; domestication of, 3238, 39; early introduction of European, 41; hoofed, similarity of root terms for in several languages, 293; life-like forms of, carved, 88; Old World, early adoption in Southeastern area, 223; take on human qualities in mythology, 194
Animism, 199200
Anthropology, aims of, 3, 353354, 355; uncoördinated sciences, making up the whole, 327