Page:The African Slave Trade (Clark).djvu/80

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Through the valleys, and over the plains of this widely extended country, through the streets of every village, town, and city in the Union; through the churches of America, the halls of legislature, the courts of justice, and the mansions of executive others, we would reiterate the cry, "How long?"

Is the conscience of the nation absolutely dead? Is there no heart to feel, no eye to see the horrors of the traffic, no tongue to speak for the agonized sufferers in the "middle passage?" Shall we go to France and England, to Denmark, Sardinia, and Mexico[1] to learn humanity?

  1. Even, unfortunate (!) Mexico, whose condition we so much commiserate, can give us lessons in justice, magnanimity, and humanity. Shall we not send some of our politicians to school there? It will be an economical arrangement, provided they stay long enough.

    The following decrees and ordinances are translated from an official compilation, published by authority of the Mexican government.

    Decree of July 13, 1824.

    Prohibition of the Commerce and Traffic in Slaves.

    The Sovereign General Constituent Congress of the United Mexican States has held it right to decree the following:

    1. The commerce and traffic in slaves, proceeding from whatever power, and under whatever flag, is for ever prohibited within the territories of the United Mexican States.

    2. The slaves who may be introduced, contrary to the tenor of the preceding article, shall remain free in consequence of treading the Mexican soil.

    3. Every vessel, whether national or foreign, in which slaves may be transported and introduced into the Mexican territories, shall be confiscated, with the rest of its cargo, — and the owner, purchaser, captain, master, and pilot, shall suffer the punishment of ten years' confinement.

    Decree of President Guerrero.

    Abolition of Slavery.

    The President of the United Mexican States, to the inhabitants of the Republic —