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Mr. Rutherfoord's Life.

my deſire, that he may dwell in this ſociety, and that the youth may be fed with found knowledge.' ———After this, he ſaid, 'Dear brethren, it may ſeem preſumptuous in me a particular man, to ſend a commiſſion to a preſbytery ;'———and Mr. M Gill replying, It was no preſumption, he continued.——— 'Dear brethren, take a commiſſion from me, a dying man, to them to appear for God and his cauſe, and adhere to the doctrine of the covenant, and have a care of the flock committed to their charge, let them feed the flock out of love, preach for God, viſit and catechize for God, and do all for God: beware of men-pleaſing, the chief Shepherd will appear ſhortly, &c. I have been a ſinful man, and have had mine own failings; but my Lord hath pardoned and accepted my labours. I adhere to the cauſe and covenant; and reſolve never to depart from the proteſtation * againſt the controverted aſſemblies. I am the man I was. I am ſtill for keeping the government of the kirk of Scotland entire, and would not, for a thouſand worlds, have had the leaſt hand in the burning of the cauſes of God's wrath. Oh! for grace to wreſtle with God for their ſalvation.'

Mr. Vilant having prayed at his deſire, as they took their leave, he renewed his charge to them to feed the flock out of love. The next morning as he recovered out of a fainting, in which they who looked on, expected his diſſolution, he ſaid 'I feel, I feel, I believe, I joy and rejoice, I feast on manna.' Mr. Blair (whoſe praiſe is in the churches) being preſent, he took a little wine in ſpoon to refreſh himſelf, being then very weak he ſaid to him, 'Ye feed on dainties in heaven

* This appears to be theſe papers, bearing the name of repreſentation, propoſitions, proteſtations, &c. given in by him and Meſſrs. Cant and Livingſton, to the Miniſters and Elders met at Edinburgh, July 24, 1054.