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Mr. Rutherfoord's Teſtimony.

but not under the pain of eccleſtiaſtic-cenſure, as if it were proper for him to call and uncal, depoſe and ſuſpend from the holy miniſtry. The lordly ſpiritual government in and over the church, is given into Chriſt, and none elſe; he is the ſole eccleſiaſtic lawgiver. It is proper to him to ſmite with the rod of his mouth; nor is there any other ſhoulder, in heaven or in earth, that is able to bear the government. As this hath been the great controverſy betwixt our Lord Jeſus and the powers of the world from the beginning; ſo it has ruined all that coped with him. Chriſt has proven a rock of offence to them: they have been daſhed to pieces by the ſtone that was cut out of the mountain without hands, Dan. ii. 34, 45. And the other powers, that enter the liſts with him, ſhall have the ſame diſmal exit. Whoſoever ſhall fall on this ſtone ſhall be broken; and on whomſoever it ſhall fall, it ſhall grind them to powder, Matth. xxi. 44. As the bleſſed prophets and apoſtles of our Lord contended not, a little with the rulers of the earth, that Chriſt ſhould be head corner-ſtone: that Chriſt is the only head of his church, is as ſure, as that he died, was buried, and roſe again. It is a moſt victorious and prevailing truth, not only preached and atteſted by the ambaſſadors of the Lord of hoſts, but confirmed by blood, martyrdom, and ſuffering.——— Many precious ſaints have thought it their honour and dignity, to ſuffer ſhame and reproach for the name of Jeſus : And it is beyond doubt, that paſſive ſuffering for the precious name of Chriſt comes neareſt to that noble ſampler, wherein Chriſt, tho' a ſon, learned obedience by the things which he ſuffered, Heb. v. 8. Now bleſſed is the ſoul, who loves not his life to death, Rev. xii. 11. For on ſuch reſts the ſpirit of glory and of God, 1 Pet. iv. 14. We cannot but ſay, it is a ſad time to our land at preſent, it is a day of darkneſs, and rebuke,