Page:Stringer - Lonely O'Malley.djvu/333

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the two old men climbed none too nimbly on board. It had been a stiff row, and the noonday sun hung hot and relentless over the quiet river.

Together the boarding party of two saluted, gravely and gallantly.

Captain Lonely O'Malley of the good ship Greyhound gazed indignantly after his cowardly crew.

"Cow'rdy custards!" he muttered, under his breath. Then he turned to his captors, with his arms folded over his chest.

"Well, sirs, what will you?" he demanded, drawing the peak of his cap down, and himself up. That, he remembered, was always the way they said it.

"This good ship, sir, by right of capture!" answered Cap'n Steiner, saluting once more.

"And also this fair lady!" added Cap'n Sands, with an irrepressible titter, turning pompously to Pauline Augusta, who stood looking on, with slightly distended mouth.

"And two thousand bars of Spanish gold!" added the other old Captain.

The master of the Greyhound flushed with embarrassment.