Page:Stringer - Lonely O'Malley.djvu/283

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In which the Greyhound steps forth

IT was, of course, Lonely O'Malley who first carried the bacillus of piracy into the quiet homes of Chamboro. And it was his potent and artful planning which likewise led to the outfitting of the Greyhound.

But you never would have taken the Greyhound for a pirate ship. That is, so to speak, at first sight. She was so ponderous and patient-looking, so massive and meek of appearance!

Nor would you have dreamed that eleven scowling men lay aboard her betimes, armed to the teeth—seven scowling men who spoke ever and anon in hoarse whispers, as tradition demanded, and walked with a rolling gait, as brigand and pirate and outlaw have done since ship was first scuttled and traitor first hanged to a yardarm!

If some one, indeed, had even whispered to you that there was a pirate ship coasting up and down the placid waters of the river and