Page:String Figures and How to Make Them.djvu/442

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Abeita, Antonio, 301, 307.
Abheben, xv, 324.
Ace of diamonds, 372.
Ace of hearts, 373.
Ace of spades, 373.
Achvuk-tezeuk, 363.
Afpakken: Dradenspel, xiv, 324.
African string games, xxii, 1, 116, 276, 324, 340, 341, 386.
Aglnuk, 364.
A-ha-ma-ka, 374.
Ai, xix.
Ajakailaiguk, 366.
Ajararpoq, 2.
Alaska, Eskimo games in, xix, 2, 282, 308, 341, 358, 359, 371 , 386.
Algiers, cat's-cradle in, 324, 386.
Amaroqdjung, 371.
Amau, xix.
American string games, xix, 2, 386.
A-na-ma-nu, 374.
Andai-ibi, 2.
Andree, R., xv, xix, xx.
Ane-inga, 2.
Anvik, Alaska, 362, 363.
Apache door, 12.
Apache Indian string games, 3, 12, 246, 340, 386.
Apache teepee, 246.
Ares, i6.
Arms, 360.
Arrow, 133.
Asia, cat's-cradle in, xii, 324.
Asiatic opening, xii.
Asiatic type of string figures, xii, xxii.
Atl-sa-hogan, 121.
Afl-ti, 216.
Attractiveness of string games, 8.
Auf-und abnehmen, xv, 324.
Australian string games, xv, xxi, 1, 2, 116, 150, 200, 324, 375, 388 , 389
Austria, cat's-cradle in, xiv, 324.
Aya-ito-tori, xiii,12, 324 .

Baffin-Land Eskimo games, xix, 12, 124, 127.
Bagobo diamonds, xiv, 43.
Bagobo two diamonds, 46.
Bagobo games, 43, 46, 39.
Bandicoot, 377.
Bark canoe, 385.
Barn-doors, xiv.
Bat, 377.
Batwa Pygmy games, xxii, 1, 276, 340, 386.
Baur, 32.
Bentley Bay, xvi.
Berceau, le, xv, 325.
Bibliography, 396.
Big Diomede Island, Alaska, 361.
Big star, 64.
Bird house, 373.
Bird's nest, 314, 378.
Bird on eggs, 363.
Bios-bird, house of the, 162.
Boas, Franz, xi, xix, xx, 2, 124, 127, 354, 371.
Boomerang, 384.
Bornean string games, xiii, xiv, 1, 324, 389.
Bow, 212.
Bow-string, 366.
Bowling-green, xiv.
Brabant, cat's-cradle in, xv.
Breastbone and ribs, 308.
Breasts, 373.
British Islands, xxi.
Broom, 248.
Brown, E. E., xvili, 2.
Brush house, 301.
Buchner, M., xvii, 2.
Bugis, string games of the, xlv, 2.
Buli, 348.
Bunce, D., xv, 1.
Bunch of candies, 248.
Bur-bur-ani-jau, ?16.
Butterfly, 218, 368.

Candles, xii, 326.
Candles, bunch of, 248.
Cannibal Pygmies, their games, 1, 276, 340, 386.