Page:Story of a Candy Rabbit.djvu/30

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"Now, Herbert and Madeline, you must not ask too many questions," said their mother, with a laugh. "This isn't exactly Christmas, you know, but it will soon be Easter, and—"

"Oh, I know what it is !" cried the little girl, whose name was Madeline. "It's the eggs and baskets we have to hunt for on Easter morning, Herbert! Oh, what fun!"

"Hurray!" cried Herbert. "I wish it were Easter now."

"It soon will be," said his mother, and then she put away the Candy Rabbit where the children could not find him. And the place where she put nim was in a closet in her room. She took the curled wood and the paper wrappings from the Rabbit, and set him on a shelf.

At first it was so dark in the closet that the Candy Rabbit could see nothing. But