Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 08.djvu/333

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charge, and promptly obeyed. The enemy made a stubborn resistance and stood until our men were within a few yards, and then gave way and fled in much confusion, but rallied near the railroad, where he again made a stand, and after desperate fighting, with heavy loss on both sides, he fled in great disorder towards the town, leaving us in possession of his commanding position and batteries. After a short interval he again returned in greater numbers, and the fight was renewed. Being opposed by greatly superior numbers, our men gave way under the first shock of his attack, many officers and men having been killed or wounded, and all much exhausted by the excessive heat; but the line was promptly formed, and carried to its former position, and whilst there engaged, a heavy force was observed moving rapidly towards the right, and soon after opened a heavy fire on our right flank and rear. In this critical condition, I gave the order to retire—which was done in good order, leaving some officers and men in the railroad cut, who were captured, although every effort was made to withdraw all the command. This was about 1 P. M. About 3 P. M. a division of Lieutenant-General Ewell's corps came up on our left, moving in line perpendicular to ours, and the brigade was again moved forward, and, after considerable fighting, reached the suburbs of the town, into which the enemy had been driven. The men, being much exhausted by the heat and severity of the engagement, were here rested, and about sunset were ordered to bivouac about a mile to the rear. In this day's engagement, the losses in men and officers were very heavy. Of nine field officers present, but two escaped unhurt. Colonel Stone, of the Second Mississippi, and Colonel Conally, of the Fifty-fifth North Carolina, were both wounded while gallantly leading their men in the first charge. Lieutenant-Colonel M. T. Smith, of the Fifty-fifth North Carolina—a gallant and efficient officer—was mortally wounded. Major Belo, of the same, was severely wounded. Lieutenant-Colonel Mosely and Major Feenay, of the Forty-second Mississippi, were both severely wounded. A large number of the company officers were killed or wounded. It is due to the gallantry of a few brave men to state that a part of the Second and Forty-second Mississippi (under the lead of Lieutenant Roberts, of the Second Mississippi), dashed forward and after a hand to hand contest, in which the gallant Roberts was killed, succeeded in capturing the colors of a Pennsylvania regiment. A number of