Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 08.djvu/328

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

was given by the advance of Wilcox's and Perry's brigades on my right. I immediately ordered forward, my brigade, and attacked the enemy in his strong position on a range of hills running south from the town of Gettysburg. In this advance, I was compelled to pass for more than a mile across an open plain, intersected by numerous post and rail fences, and swept by the enemy's artillery, which was posted along the Emmettsburg road, and upon the crest of the height on McPherson's farm, a little south of Cemetery hill. In this advance, my brigade was formed in the following order: The Twenty-second Georgia regiment on the right, the Third Georgia in the centre, and the Forty-eighth Georgia on the left. The Second Georgia battalion, which was deployed in front of the whole brigade as skirmishers, was directed to close intervals on the left as soon as the command reached the line of skirmishers, and form upon the left of the brigade. Owing to the impetuosity of the advance, and the length of the line occupied by them, the Second battalion failed to form all its companies upon the left of the brigade—some of them falling into line with other regiments of the command. My men moved steadily forward until reaching within musket range of the Emmettsburg turnpike, when we encountered a strong body of infantry posted under cover of a fence, near to and parallel with the road. Just in the rear of this line of infantry were the advanced batteries of the enemy, posted along the Emmettsburg turnpike, with a field of fire raking the whole valley below.

Just before reaching this position, I had observed that Posey's brigade on my left had not advanced, and fearing that if I proceeded much further, with my left flank entirely unprotected, I might become involved in serious difficulties, I despatched my Aid-de-Camp, Captain R. H. Bell, with a message to Major-General Anderson, informing him of my own advance, and its extent, and that General Posey had not advanced with his brigade on my left.

To this message, I received a reply, to "press on; that Posey had been ordered in on my left, and that he (General Anderson) would reiterate the order." I immediately charged upon the enemy's line, and drove him in great confusion upon his second line, which was formed behind a stone fence, some hundred or more yards in rear of the Emmettsburg turnpike. At this point we captured several pieces of artillery, which the enemy, in his haste and confusion, was unable to take off the field. Having gained the Emmettsburg turnpike, we again charged upon the