Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 08.djvu/282

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Southern Historical Society Papers.
List of Casualties in Jenkins' brigade—Colonel John Bratton commanding—in the action at Lookout Mountain, on the night of the 28th of October, 1863.
COMMAND. Killed Wounded Missing Total
Sixth South Carolina regiment... .....   13     3   16
Fifth South Carolina regiment...     9   84     9 102
Second South Carolina rifles...     6   51     7   64
First South Carolina regiment...     2   38     5   45
Palmetto sharpshooters...     6   35     3   44
Hampton legion     8   65   12   85
Grand total...   31 286   39 356

Original Rough Draft of Report of General C. L. Stevenson.

January 2, 1863.

General—I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the troops of my command, west of Chattanooga creek, on the 24th of November, 1863.

On the 12th of November, I was directed to move my division from the position near the tunnel of the East Tennessee and Georgia railroad, which it had occupied since its return from East Tennessee, to the extreme left of our infantry lines, the top of Lookout mountain, reporting to Lieutenant-General Hardee. On the 11th of November, the positions of the troops of his command were assigned by the Lieutenant-General—Walker's division (commanded by Brigadier-General Gist) to occupy that portion of the line which lay west of Chattanooga creek, to the Chattanooga road, at the base of the mountain; Cheatham's division (commanded by Brigadier-General Jackson), that known as the "Craven House slope," extending from the left of Walker's line to Smith's trail, on the western side of the mountain; and the defence of the top of the mountain was entrusted to my division and a very small and inadequate force of cavalry.