Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 04.djvu/267

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Causes of Lee's Defeat at Gettysburg.

rear of our column, with the enemy in pursuit, was then coming through the town of Gettysburg." (Con. Rep., 406.)

He is here speaking of the time of his arrival, and at 5:25 P. M. he sent the following dispatch to Meade:

"When I arrived here an hour since, I found that our troops had given up the front of Gettysburg and the town. We have now taken up a position in the cemetery, and cannot well be taken; it is a position, however, easily turned. Slocum is now coming on the ground, and is taking a position on the right, which will protect the right. But we have as yet no troops on the left, the Third corps not having yet reported; but I suppose that it is marching up. If so, his flank will in a degree protect our left flank." (Con. Rep., 357.)

General Sickles, commanding the Third corps, in his testimony, says:

"I, therefore, moved to Gettysburg on my own responsibility. I made a forced march, and arrived there about the time General Howard had taken position on Cemetery Hill. I found his troops well posted in a secure position on the ridge." (Con. Rep., 297.)

Warren, in his testimony, speaking of his arrival a very short time after Hancock, says:

"General Howard was then on Cemetery Ridge with our[1] division. General Buford's cavalry was all in line of battle between our position there and the enemy. Our cavalry presented a very handsome front, and, I think, probably checked the advance of the enemy. General Hancock made a great deal of personal effort to get our troops into position, and I think his personal appearance there did a great deal towards restoring order." (Con. Rep., 377.)

Buford confronted Hill's right, and had two brigades, containing seven regiments.

General Long, in his letter to me, says he was directed by Gen. Lee very soon after the close of the action to reconnoitre the position, and he adds: "I found Cemetery Hill occupied by a considerable force—a force[2] strongly posted behind a stone fence near its crest, and the rest on the reverse slope. In my opinion, an attack at that time, with the troops then at hand, would have been hazardous and of very doubtful success."