Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 04.djvu/104

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

Book Notice.

The Great Revival in the Southern Armies, by Wm. W. Bennett, D. D. Philadephia: Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger.—We are indebted to the publishers for a copy of this admirable book, which we have read with deep interest, and which we cordially recommend as worthy of a place in every library.

No history of the late war would be complete without an account of that wonderful work of grace, which made the camps and hospitals of the Confederacy vocal with the Saviour's praises—which brought thousands of our brave men to the simple-hearted trust in Christ, and which made the morale of the Southern armies superior to that of any which the world has ever seen.

As Superintendent of the "Soldier's Tract Association," and Chaplain in the Confederate army, Dr. Bennett had some peculiar facilities for knowing of this great work. He has used good judgment in culling from the ample material at his disposal, and he has produced a book of great interest and value.

In his first chapter he speaks of "Religion among soldiers" in the past, and brings out brief sketches of eminent soldiers in all ages who have been active servants of the Living God. He then treats, in successive chapters, of "Subjects of the Revival," "Hindrances to the Revival," and "Helps to the Revival," and proceeds with his narrative in the order of the events of the war.

The narrative is adorned and illustrated with accounts of their work by Chaplains, Army Missionaries, Colporteurs and others, and by most touching examples of the power of faith in Christ to fit men for the camp, the march, the battle-field, the hospital, or the last struggle with the grim monster—Death.

The book is gotten up in the admirable style which we always expect from these well known publishers. It is sold at the low price of $1.50, and we predict for it an extensive sale and wide usefulness.

We notice an inaccuracy in the statement that the Chaplains met in Petersburg in the winter of 1864-5 to form a Chaplains' Association. This Organization was perfected at Old Round Oak Church, in Caroline county, in the spring of 1863, and the meeting in Petersburg was only a regular meeting of the Association, which had been in active existence ever since. We may add that the subject, though well treated, is by no means exhausted, and there is still room for a book on "Jesus in the Camp, or Religion in Lee's Army," which a friend of ours has been preparing.