Page:Sophocles' King Oedipus.pdf/71

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  \relative c'' {
      \set Staff.midiInstrument = "cello"
      \clef treble
      \key aes \major \time 6/4
      \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f)
  { \autoBeamOff
      c4^\markup { \italic { \smallCaps Leader. Quite slow. } } c c des des des c2 c4 c bes aes bes2 c4 c2 c,4^\markup { \italic { 3rd \smallCaps Voice. } }
      c d e f2 g4 aes g f g2 aes4 aes2 bes4 c bes aes
      bes2 bes4 bes2 c4 c2. ~ c2. des2^\markup { \italic \smallCaps Leader. } des4 des2 bes4
      c4 c2 ~ c2 c,4^\markup { \italic \smallCaps All. } \time 4/4 \bar "."
      c4 d e f aes g4. f8 ees!4 c1\fermata
      c'4.^\markup { \italic \smallCaps Leader. } c8 c4 a8 f ees4. c8 f f ees c f2. c'4^\markup { \italic { 2nd \smallCaps Voice. } } c2 \times 2/3 {a4 a f} %end of music from previous page
      ees4 ees2 c8 c f2. f4 g4. g8 g g a a a2. c4^\markup { \italic \smallCaps All. }
      des c bes aes! g f g aes c,2. c4 ees ees f4. f8
      g2.\fermata g4^\markup { \italic \smallCaps Leader. } g4. g8 g4 g c c c4. g8 g4. g8 aes4 aes8 aes
      g1 g4. g8 g4 g f8 f f f2 f8 f f f f aes aes aes aes
      g1 c4. c8 ees4 ees d2 d4 d des4. des8 des4 des
      c2. c,4^\markup { \italic { 3rd \smallCaps Voice. } } f4. f8 f4 f aes4. aes8 aes2 f4. f8 ees4 ees
      c2. c4 des4. des8 des des des des c4 c c2 f4. f8 f4 f8 g
      a8 a a2 a4 c4. c8 c4 c des4. des8 c4 c bes aes ges ges
      f1\fermata f2^\markup { \italic \smallCaps Leader. } f8 f f f bes4. bes8 bes4. f8 f ges4 f2 f8^\markup { \italic { 2nd \smallCaps Voice. } }
      ees ees ees ees ees ees ees ees ees2. \times 2/3 {ees8 ees ees} ges2. ges4 f8 f f2 f4^\markup { \italic \smallCaps All. }
      bes4. bes8 des4 des c4. c8 c4 c ces4. ces8 ces4. bes8 bes1 \bar "||" }
  \addlyrics {
What can the sha -- dow -- like ge -- ne -- ra -- tions of man at -- tain But
build up a dazz -- ling mock -- e -- ry of de -- light that un -- der their
touch dis -- solves a -- "gain......" Oe -- di -- pus seemed
bless -- "ed,......" but 
there is no man bless -- ed a -- mongst men.
Oe -- di -- pus ov -- er -- came the wo -- man -- breast -- ed Fate; He seemed like a strong %end of lyrics from previous page
tow -- er a -- gainst Death and first a -- mong the for -- tu -- nate; He
sat up -- on the an -- cient throne of Thebes and all men called him
great. But, look -- ing for a mar -- riage- -- bed, he found the bed of his
birth, Tilled the field his fa -- ther had tilled, cast seed in -- to the same a -- bound -- ing
earth; En -- ter’d through the door that had sent him wail -- ing
forth. Be -- get -- ter and be -- got as one! How could that be
hid? What dark -- ness co -- ver up that mar -- riage- -- bed? Time watch -- es, he is
ea -- gle -- eyed, And all the works of man are known and ev -- ’ry soul is
tried. Would you had ne -- ver come to Thebes, nor to this house, Nor
rid -- dled with the wo -- man -- breast -- ed Fate, beat -- en off death and suc -- coured us. That
I had ne -- ver raised this song, heart- -- bro -- ken Oe -- di -- pus.

N.B.—The final chorus was spoken, not sung, by the Leader.