Page:Sophocles' King Oedipus.pdf/69

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  \relative f' {
      \set Staff.midiInstrument = "cello"
      \clef treble
      \key aes \major \time 4/4
      \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f)
      \partial 4
  { \autoBeamOff
      f4^\markup { \italic { \smallCaps All. Slow, in rather strict time. } } c' c c bes8 aes c2. f,4 g bes aes g8 ees f2. f4
      c' c c bes8 aes c2. c8 c ees4 c bes g f2. f4
      g4. g8 g4 g8 g aes4 aes aes8 aes aes bes c c4. r4 f,4 f g aes4. f8
      f4 g aes bes c2. \times 2/3 { des8 des des } ees4 des c4. g8 aes4 bes aes g f2. r8 %end of score from previous page
      c8^\markup { \italic 3rd \smallCaps Leader. Voice, more freely and dramatically. } c8. c16 des8 c c' c bes c des4. g,8 g4. g8 aes4. aes8 bes4. bes8
      bes bes bes bes aes4 bes c2. c4 des2 ~ des8 des c bes des4 des2 bes4
      des2 des4 des g,2. f4^\markup { \italic { Slow, as at the beginning. } } f g aes bes c2. f,4 f g aes bes
      c2. c4 ees c bes g f8 f4. f4 g aes2 f4 ees f2. f4^\markup { \italic \smallCaps All. }
      bes bes f des <bes bes'>1 b'4^\markup { \italic \smallCaps Leader. } b8 b b4 b4 c2. c4
      c c des des des2. des4 c bes bes aes g2. g8 g
      f2 f4 c f2. f4 ges4. ges8 ges4 ges f f2 f4
      aes4. aes8 aes4 aes aes2. f4 bes4. bes8 \times 2/3 { bes4 bes bes } bes1
      des2. c8 bes des4 c2 bes4 f2. f4 c4. des8 ees4 ges f1 \bar "||" }
  \addlyrics {
For this one thing a -- bove all I would be praised as a man, That
in my words and my deeds I have kept those laws in mind O -- 
lym -- pian Zeus, and that high clear Em -- py -- re -- an, fash -- ioned, and not some man or
peo -- ple of man -- kind, Ev -- en those sac -- red laws nor age nor sleep can blind. %end of lyrics from previous page
A man be -- comes a ty -- rant out of in -- so -- lence, He climbs and climbs, un -- 
til all peo -- ple call him great, He seems _ up-on the sum -- mit, and
God flings him thence; Yet an am -- bi -- tious man may lift up a whole
State, And in his death be bles -- sed, in his life for -- tu -- nate. And
all men hon -- our such;  but should a man for -- get The
ho -- ly i -- ma -- ges, the Del -- phian Sy -- bil's trance And the
world’s na -- vel stone, and not be pun -- ished for it And
seen most for -- tu -- nate, or ev -- en bless -- ed per -- chance,
Why should we hon -- our the gods or join the sa -- cred dance?