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2018 No 32
Social Security Act 2018
Part 1 s 5

(b)sole parent support:

(c)supported living payment—

(i)on the ground of restricted work capacity or total blindness; or

(ii)on the ground of caring for another person:

(d)orphan’s benefit:

(e)unsupported child’s benefit:

(f)youth payment:

(g)young parent payment:

(h)emergency benefit:

Supplementary assistance

(i)accommodation supplement:

(j)winter energy payment:

(k)childcare assistance:

(l)child disability allowance:

(m)disability allowance:

(n)funeral grants:

Hardship assistance

(o)temporary additional support:

Special assistance

(p)special assistance for visitors affected by overseas epidemics:

(q)approved special assistance programmes (see the guide in section 15).


(3)Part 3 contains provisions on obligations (for example, MSD’s obligations, and each beneficiary’s obligations—see the guide in section 104).

Factors affecting benefits

(4)Part 4 contains provisions on factors affecting benefits (for example, insurance, entitlement to overseas pensions, failure to assist child support, shared care of a dependent child, hospitalisation, being in custody in prison or on remand, and absence from New Zealand—see the guide in section 183).

Enforcement, sanctions, and offences

(5)Part 5 contains provisions on enforcement, sanctions, and offences (for example, sanctions for failing to meet obligations—see the guide in section 231).


(6)Part 6 contains provisions on administration (for example, on applications for and granting of benefits, reviews of entitlement, when benefits commence and