Page:Shakespearean Tragedy (1912).djvu/212

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lect. v.

tion-scene he becomes at times most terrible, but his grandeur remains almost undiminished. Even in the following scene (III. iv.), where he goes to test Desdemona in the matter of the handkerchief, and receives a fatal confirmation of her guilt, our sympathy with him is hardly touched by any feeling of humiliation. But in the Fourth Act ‘Chaos has come.’ A slight interval of time may be admitted here. It is but slight; for it was necessary for Iago to hurry on, and terribly dangerous to leave a chance for a meeting of Cassio with Othello; and his insight into Othello’s nature taught him that his plan was to deliver blow on blow, and never to allow his victim to recover from the confusion of the first shock. Still there is a slight interval; and when Othello reappears we see at a glance that he is a changed man. He is physically exhausted, and his mind is dazed.[1] He sees everything blurred through a mist of blood and tears. He has actually forgotten the incident of the handkerchief, and has to be reminded of it. When Iago, perceiving that he can now risk almost any lie, tells him that Cassio has confessed his guilt, Othello, the hero who has seemed to us only second to Coriolanus in physical power, trembles all over; he mutters disjointed words; a blackness suddenly intervenes between his eyes and the world; he takes it for the shuddering testimony of nature to the horror he has just heard,[2] and he falls senseless to the ground.

  1. See Note M.
  2. Cf. Winter’s Tale, I. ii. 137 ff.:
        Can thy dam?—may’t be?—
    Affection! thy intention stabs the centre:
    Thou dost make possible things not so held,
    Communicatest with dreams;—how can this be?
    With what’s unreal thou coactive art
    And fellow’st nothing: then ‘tis very credent
    Thou may’st cojoin with something; and thou dost,
    And that beyond commission, and I find it,
    And that to the infection of my brains
    And hardening of my brows.