Page:Secrets of Crewe House.djvu/175

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under England's lead, and under the special direction of that unprincipled, unscrupulous rascal, Northcliffe."

In the Kölnische Volkszeitung for September 11, a letter from the front said:

"Leaflets destined to cause low spirits and despair, or to send deserters to the enemy, are being showered down in thousands in certain places and their surroundings. It is this combat, waged openly or secretly, which, particularly at home, produces low spirits and despair. Here you find statements that Hindenburg was once regarded as a Divinity, but that his laurels are beginning to fade, which is quite evident from the way the enemy advance daily; that our troops have lost courage, whole companies are deserting to the enemy, and such like things."

In another letter to the same newspaper, published on August 20, the writer said:

"Our enemies have recently been very busy distributing leaflets from the air. I have had two of these leaflets in my hands, and it is not to be doubted that our enemies are in that, also, our