Page:Secrets of Crewe House.djvu/123

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we have to remember he is also potentially a reasonable man.

"And meanwhile, the Allies must continue with haste and diligence to fight and defeat Junker Germany, which cannot possibly conquer but which may nevertheless succeed in ruining the world. They must fight the German armies upon the fronts, they must fight an unregenerate Germany economically and politically, and they must bring home to the German reason and conscience at home, by an intensive air war and by propaganda alike, the real impossibility of these conceptions of national pride and aggressiveness in which the German population has been bred."

These documents were used as a basis for the policy of Crewe House, which was summarised into seven parts in Lord Northcliffe's subsequent letter to Mr. Balfour, extracts from which follow:—

"I wish to submit to you the following general scheme of policy as a basis for British—and eventually Allied—propaganda in Germany. Propaganda, as an active form of policy, must be in harmony with the settled war aims of the Allies:—

"1. The object of all propaganda is to weaken the will of the enemy to war and