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to-night. Those big shots from the East are figur­ing on organizing all the local guys that don't like you—it'll save them the trouble of bringing out a lot of their own muggs from New York."

"Jeez! Baby, where'd you hear that?"

"Never mind! You don't doubt it, do you? Didn't they try to bump you off—"

"Yeah, sure," asserted Tony eagerly. "And they're all goin' to be at Jake's Place to-night?"

"Yes. The New York crowd will be in dark blue Cadillacs—three or four carloads of 'em—and they'll prob'ly have the side curtains up. It's only about eleven-thirty now," she continued smoothly. "If you hurry, you might be able to meet 'em on the way out."

"Much obliged, baby. I'll sure do it."

Jane hung up slowly, a grim smile playing about her rather hard lips. If things went right, there'd be a nice story in the morning papers. If it didn't, she'd probably wake up with a lily in her hand. Well, what the hell—a girl only lived once and she might as well get all the kick she could out of life.

Tony's headquarters was humming with ac­tivity. Quickly he assembled four carloads of gunmen, gave them strict orders, then climbed in with