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grunt, reached for the telephone and called the Dis­trict Attorney's office. At last there came to him over the wire a gruff voice that he recognized from that conference long ago to which he had accom­panied Johnny Lovo.

“Camonte?” barked this voice brusquely. “This is District Attorney Crowder. I see in the morn­ing papers that Lovo's left town.”


"And that you're in command of his mob now."

"Yeah, that's right."

"Well, I presume you are familiar with his—er—arrangement with me?"

"Yeah, I got a complete ‘pay-off’ list of the ‘bits’ and I'll keep takin' care of 'em just as he did."

"Don't say things like that over the phone," commanded the D.A, sharply, in his voice such con­cern that Tony grinned. "Then things are going to go right ahead?"

“Yeah, only more so. This mob's been too quiet lately.”

"Well, keep things out of the papers."

"That'd be easy, if the ‘dicks’ wasn't so damn mouthy."

“I know. All right, then. I'll send Moran out to see you to-morrow afternoon."