Page:Sailing Alone Around the World (Slocum).djvu/255

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and her arrival was witnessed by a large crowd. The skilful manner in which Captain Slocum steered his craft about the Teasels which were occupying the waterway was a treat to witness.

The Spray was not sailing in among greenhorns when she came to Natal When she arrived off the port the pilot-ship, a fine, able steam-tug, came out

Captain Joshua Slocum.

to meet her, and led the way in across the bar, for it was blowing a smart gale and was too rough for the sloop to be towed with safety. The trick of going in I learned by watching the steamer; it was simply to keep on the windward side of the channel and take the combers end on.

I found that Durban supported two yacht-clubs, both of them full of enterprise. I met all the members of both clubs, and sailed in the crack yacht Florence of the Royal Natal, with Captain Spradbrow and the Right Honorable Harry Escombe, premier of the colony. The yacht's center-board