Page:Saducismus Triumphatus.djvu/378

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house. Jane Gast and her Kinswoman took this Saddle and carried it to Leigh, and as they were going along in the broad Common, there would be Sticks and Stones thrown at them, which made them very much afraid, and going near together, their Whittles which were on their Shoulders knit together. They carried the Saddle to the house which was Old Warren's, and there left and it returned home very quiet. But being gone to Bed at Night the Saddle was brought back from Leigh, (which is a Mile and a half at least from old Gast's House) and thrown upon the Bed where the Maids lay. After that, the Saddle was very troublesome to them, until they broke it in small pieces and threw it out into the Highway.

There was a Coat of the same Parties, who was owner of the Saddle, which did hang on the Door in the Hall, and it came off from the place and flew into the fire and lay some considerable time, before they could get it out. For it was as much as three of them could do to pluck it out of the fire, because of the ponderous weight that lay on it, as they thought. Nevertheless there was no impression on it of the fire.

Old Gast sat at Dinner with a Hat of this old Warren's on his Head, and there was something came and struck it off into the Dish where his Meat was.

There was a Pole which stood in the backside about 14 or 15 Foot in length, which was brought into the House, and carried up into the Chamber, and thrown on the bed; but all the Wit they had could not get it out of the Chamber, because of its length, until they took down a light of the Window. They report that the things in the House were thrown about and broken to their great damage.

One night there were two of this old Gast his Grand-daughters in Bed together, they were aged, one of them about twelve or thirteen years, and the other about sixteen or seventeen. They said, that they felt a hand in Bed with them, which they bound up in the Sheet, and took Bed-staves and beat it until it were as soft as Wool, then they took a stone which lay in the Chamber, about a quarter of a hundred weight, and put on it, and were quiet all the Night. In the morning, they found it as they left it the night before. Then the eldest of the Maids swore that she would burn the Devil, and goes and fetches a Fuz Faggot to burn it, but when she came again, the Stone was thrown away, and the Cloth was found wet.

There were many other things which are too long and tedious to write, it would take up a great deal of time.