Page:Saducismus Triumphatus.djvu/340

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cerned, at whose house he for a time Boarded, nor is there any doubt of the truth thereof.

But it will be more easie for any rational Man to believe stories of this kind, than to find out a satisfactory account of the operation and effect, or to assure the lawfulness of such counter-practice against Witchcraft, unless they can be resolved into the Sympathy and Synenergy of the Spiritus Mundanus, (which Plotinus calls τ̏ μέγαν γόητα the grand Magician) such as the operation of the Weapon-salve, and other Magnetick Cures are resolved into. And forasmuch as the power of a truly Divine Magick, such as Prophets and Holy Law-givers are endued with, is too great and August to be found in ordinary good Men, that are to bring in no new Law or Religion into the World, the benignity of Providence is to be acknowledged in that the Villanies of Witchcraft lie obnoxious to such a natural or ratified way of Discoveries and Counter practices as these. But how this obnoxiousness of Witches is complicated with their Familiars sucking their Bodies, is a point too nice and prolix to enter upon here. But it is most safe not to tamper at all with these things, and most happy to have no occasion for it.

Lastly, as for Julian Cox her not being able to say one of the Petitions in the Lords Prayer, the case is like that of Florence Newto the Irish Witch, but unlike in this, that it was not the same Petition Florence Newton stuck at. And I remember when I had the curiosity with a friend of mine, of examining certain Witches at Castle-hill in Cambridge, the most notorious of them, who also was hanged for a Witch, offered to say the Creed and Lord's Prayer, as an Argument she was no Witch, and so far as I remember, she said the Lord's Prayer right, but was out at the Creed; nor do I think this any certain sign of their guilt or innocency, and therefore Judge Archer did well to lay no stress on it. But these things are of less moment, and therefore I pass to the next Relation, which looks not so much like Witchcraft, as the Apparition of the Ghost of one deceased.