Page:Saducismus Triumphatus.djvu/304

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they did eat and drink. They danced and were merry, were bodily there and in their Clothes.

She farther saith, that the same persons met again, at or near the same place about a Month since, when Anne Bishop brought a Picture in Wax, which was baptized John, in like manner as the other was, the Man in black was Godfather, and Alice Duke, and this Examinant God-mothers, As soon as it was baptized, Anne Bishop stuck two Thorns into the Arms of the Picture, which was for one Robert Numan's Child of Wincaunton. After they had eaten, drank, danced, and made merry, they departed.

That she with Anne Bishop, and Alice Duke met at another time in the Night, in a ground near Marnhul, where also met several other persons. The Devil then also there in the former shape, baptized a Picture by the name of Anne or Rachel Hatcher. The Picture one Dunfords's Wife brought, and stuck Thorns in it. Then they also made merry with Wine and Cakes, and so departed.

She saith, before they are carried to their meetings, they anoint their Foreheads, and Hand-Wrists with an Oyl the Spirit brings them which smells raw) and then they are carried in a very short time, using these words as they pass, Thout, tout, a tout, tout, throughout and about. And when they go off from their Meetings, they say Rentum Tormentum.

That at their first meeting, the Man in black bids them welcome, and they all make low obeyance to him, and he delivers some Wax Candles like little Torches, which they give back again at parting. When they anoint themselves, they use a long form of words, and when they stick in Thorns into the Picture of any they would torment, they say A Pox on thee, I'le spite thee.

That at every meeting before the Spirit vanisheth away, he appoints the next meeting place and time, and at his departure there is a foul smell. At their meeting they have usually Wine or good Beer, Cakes, Meat, or the like. They eat and drink really when they meet in their bodies, dance also and have Musick. The Man in black sits at the higher end, and Anne Bishop usually next him. He useth some words before meat, and none after; his voice is audible, but very low.

That they are carried sometimes in their Bodies and their Clothes, sometimes without, and as the Examinant thinks their Bodies are sometimes left behind. When only their Spirits are present, yet they know one another.