Page:Saducismus Triumphatus.djvu/300

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2. Exam. William Parsons, Rector of Stoke Trister, in the County of Somerset. Examined the 26 of Jan. 1664 before Rob. Hunt, Esq; concerning the Bewitching of Rich. Hill's Daughter, saith, That on Monday Night after Christmas-day, then last past, he came into the Room when Eliz. Hill was in her Fit, many of his Parishioners being present, and looking on. He there saw the Child held in a Chair by main force by the People, plunging far beyond the strength of Nature, Foaming and Catching at her own Arms and Cloaths with her Teeth. This Fit he conceives held about half an Hour. After some time, she pointed with her Finger to the Left-side of her Head, next to her Left-Arm, and then to her Left-Hand, &c. and where she pointed, he perceived a Red-spot to arise, with a small black in the midst of it, like a small Thorn. She pointed also to her Toes one after another, and exprest great sense of Torment. This latter Fit, he guesses, continued about a quarter of an Hour, during most, or all of which time, her Stomach seem'd to swell, and her Head where she seem'd to be prickt, did so very much. She sate Foaming much of the time, and the next Day after her Fit, she shew'd the Examinant the places where the Thorns were stuck in, and he saw the Thorns in those places.

Taken upon Oath, before me,

Rob. Hunt.


William Parsons, Rector of Stoke Trister.

3. Exam. Nicholas Lambert, of Bayford, in the County of Somerset, Yeoman, Examined upon Oath, before Rob. Hunt, Esq; Jan 30 1664, concerning the Bewitching of Rich. Hill's Daughter, by Elizabeth Style, testifieth, That Munday after Christmas-day last, being with others in the House of Rich. Hill, he saw his Daughter Elizabeth taken very ill, and in Fits that were so strong, that six men could not hold her down in a Chair in which she was sate, but that she would raise the Chair up in spight of their utmost Force. That in her Fits being not able to speak, she would wrest her Body as one in great Torment, and point with her Finger to her Neck, Head, Hands, Wrists, Arms, and Toes. And he, with the rest, looking on the places to which she pointed, saw on the sudden, little Red